Family House of Peoria appreciates your support!
Financial contributions from donors like you make Family House of Peoria possible. Gifts to Family House (a 501c3) are completely tax-deductible. See additional ways to give below or call (309) 695-5300. We greatly appreciate our donors!
Donate Monthly
Be a GEM - Give Every Month! Monthly giving is a wonderful way to help Family House to sustain its operations throughout the year. Click below to make your monthly gift and know that your support is greatly appreciated!
Consider Planned Giving
Family House benefits greatly from generous benefactors planning a gift to Family House as a bequest in their will or living trust. We would love to further discuss these options and, if you so choose, walk through the process with you. This generous mode of giving is greatly appreciated. Call our leadership at (309) 685 -5300 to learn more.
Lead a Fundraiser
Support Family House in your own way. Organize a car wash, run a marathon, or do something completely unique! Contact for approval and promotion. We can’t wait to hear your fundraising idea!
Provide a Meal
Consider providing a meal for our guests with our Heart of the House Meal Program! Whether cooked at home, prepared at Family House, or provided by a local restaurant, warm meals are truly appreciated by our patients and families after a long day at the hospital. This is a great activity for a family, group of young people, or professional teambuilding. Contact to learn more and plan a meal.
Shop with Kroger Community Rewards
You can choose Family House as your Kroger Community Rewards partner. Visit, follow the prompts, and select organization number RW258. It is easy!
donate Wish List Items
You can easily support Family House by shopping from our wish lists at Amazon, Walmart, or Target.
Gift Cards / Gift Certificates
Restaurants and Peoria area attractions, especially kid-friendly
Pantry Items
Granola bars, breakfast bars, mini muffins, donuts etc.
Fruit cups, apple sauce, pudding cups, jello cups etc.
Individual serving-size packages of oatmeal, fruit snacks, pretzels, crackers, nuts, cookies, animal crackers, trail mix, raisins, peanut butter or cheese-filled crackers, etc.
Ramen noodles - all flavors
Canned goods - ravioli, chili, beef stew, vegetables, fruit, etc.
Individual water, juice, etc.
White bath towels, hand towels, washcloths
White pillowcases
White queen-size sheet sets
White twin-size sheet sets
White shower liners
Household Items
Laundry detergent
Fabric softener
Laundry spot/stain remover
Scrubbing Bubbles
Storage containers (all sizes)
Storage baggies (all sizes)
Dishcloths and towels
Toiletry Items
Travel size bar soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion
Disposable razors